Desperate Hero, trained by Jack Channon, showcased his potential as a future star of the sprint division with a strong performance at Sandown. Despite narrowly missing out on victory in the Group Three Coral Charge last Saturday, Channon remains confident in his horse's abilities.
Having excelled in handicaps this season, the four-year-old has steadily progressed through the ranks. Channon was pleased with Desperate Hero's brave effort in group company, noting that the challenging conditions at Sandown played a factor in the final result.
Looking ahead, Desperate Hero will follow a sprint programme for the remainder of the season. His next targets include the King George Stakes at the Qatar Goodwood Festival, the Coolmore Wootton Bassett Nunthorpe Stakes at York, and the Flying Five Stakes at the Curragh.
Channon is optimistic about Desperate Hero's future, hoping to secure a victory in one of the upcoming prestigious races. With his horse only being four years old, Channon plans to carefully manage his career to ensure he remains a competitive force in the sprint division for years to come.